
Alla inlägg den 20 januari 2013

Av henna - 20 januari 2013 17:08

Idag har Tati varit här och rensat på allt som jag dragit med hem då jag går runt öppen hela tiden i min utveckling och det är inte så konstigt att man inte kunnat sätta fingret på något då det fanns en hel del att rensa.

Tur att man har andra att vända sig till när man själv inte kan förstå allt och veta hur man går till väga så ett stort tack till henne....


   Jag upplevde hemska saker i början av min utveckling som jag senare fick svar på.  Våra rädslor skapar feltolkningar som gör att man omedvetet kan göra det svårare för sig än vad det behöver vara...

Jag såg stora mörka skuggor och tänkte under mina sömnlösa nätter att, finns det gott  så måste det ju finnas ont.

Sen säger Diana som höll kursen jag var på i Göteborg att det inte fanns annat att vara rädd för än oss levande människr. Då undrade jag vad det var jag såg då?

Det visade sig att vår rädsla blockerar oss från rätt ''budskap'', vår hjärna skapar en egen tolkning av det man ser som av rädsla bildar  hemska saker.

Ex. Änglar kommer i alla olika former och storlekar, de visar sig på ett sätt som är ''vårt änglalika jag'', det sätt som skrämmer dig minst och din uppfattning av en ängel.

Om jag ser något och regerar av rädsla så blir det en feltolkning av vad jag annars hade sett, jag skapade min egna uppfattning och såg då något jag skapat genom mina rädslor.....

Vi människor tänker i 3D, det jag kan se och ta på finns och inget mer, ''jag tror det när jag ser det''.

Vi tänker inte längre än så i vår vardag och därför blir dessa saker väldigt skrämmande för någon som påbörjar en utveckling och kanske snabbt kommer på att det var mer än vad man trodde på, vi är helt enkelt rädda för det som vi inte tror finns eller som vi tidigare inte fått någon bild av.

Jag själv blev ju livrädd vilket gjore det väldigt svårt för mig innan jag lärde mig några tanketips:)


Det är därför som vi är skeptiska och det inte är alls konstigt då alla inte kan se och uppleva detta, det är inget som är lätt att bevisa då jag inte kan få någon annan att se det. Jag kan bara anvnda denna gåva genom att hjälpa de som är mottagliga och vara en ren öppen kanal för kommunikation från andra sidan eller budskap som kommer. Hjälpa sörjande och människor som bär på fysisk eller psykisk smärta.

Tror man inte på mirakel så sker inga.

Min uppgifft är inte att övertyga eller bevisa något utan sprida budskap, kärlek och hopp om liv efter vår fysiska kropp försvunnit. Jag kan varken säga mer eller mindre, inte heller lägga mig känslomässigt i det som ska förmedlas. Jag vill förstå......jag vill att du ska förstå.......jag vill ge dig svaren eller själv ha svar försvinner helt........där kommer mitt ego in och stoppar mig från att vara en ren kanal mellan dessa två världar.

Man ska våga utvecklas sakta och ge det den tid det tar, man måste ha tålamod och inte låta andra påverka en.

Det kan vara jobbigt då alla runt en självklart är nyfikna och frågar massor, väntar på att man ska på något sätt övertyga dom eller bevisa något. Men dom sätter då själva stopp för detta då det sker av fel anledning och det kommer istället inte fram något alls. Vilket man märker direkt om ma ens skulle förska....

Ta vara på tiden....

Idag har jag funderat en del på vad dom som står mig nära egentligen tänkt när allt detta började...?

Jag kan bara tänka mig hur det skulle låta.....Henna har nog sprungit in i en vägg o fått för sig att det plöttsligt finns änglar och liv efter döden som gjort att hon helt plöttsligt är så himla trevlig o ''god människa''.

Jag kan bara tänka mig....vad hade jag själv sagt.....jooo typ nåt liknande.....

Genom att pågå denna utveckling så handlar det mycket om att hitta ''sitt egna högre jag'' och att arbeta med sig själv på en helt ny nivå.  Alla svar finns inom oss själva.

Vad bär jag med mig som tynger? Och sen släppa taget om det.

Vad får mig att må bra? Och sen vara den personen.

Vilka bryr jag mig mest om? Och sen lägga sin energi på dom människorna utan att låta sig påverkas av andra.

Vem vet egentligen vem jag är? Jo jag, och stå fast vid det vad andra än säger.

Jag vill se det goda i alla, jag vill inte bli påverkad av andra människor som utstrålar negativ energi, jag vill hjälpa andra för at det får mig att må bra, jag vill ge alla en ärlig chans, kanske två, jag vill få en ärlig chans, jag vill respektera allas tro, åsikter, tankar och låta oss människor vara olika. 

Alla gör vi misstag och lär oss av dom. Ingen är perfekt men att erkänna sina misstag gör en starkare och hjälper oss att växa som individer.

Vad tänker du om du bär kunskap som du inte känner att du har någon nytta av?

En dag kan du hjälpa någon annan av den kunskap du fått.....

1. Det var ju tur för Han/Hon att jag hade en kunskapen.

2. Det var ju tur för Min del för att jag fick chansen att hjälpa någon annan med den kunskap jag fått.

Nr. 1 är ju ganska egoistiskt tycker jag, att man inte kan tjäna på att glädjas åt någon annan?

Jag blir glad av att få något men ännu gladare om jag kan ge!

Ett dåligt exempel om man ska se det stora hela men det blev lite hjärn gymnastik idag och för varje god tanke blir man en bättre människa och lär känna sig själv.

Jag förändras hela tiden genom att stanna upp och känna efter hur jag själv mår och tycker. Genom att fråga mig själv istället för någon annan.

Det tar inte lång tid att upptäcka hur mycket andra människor påverkar en och det speglar sig i personligheten.

Jag har inte sprungit in i väggen, jag har bara försökt att inte låta andra människor påverka mig så att jag kan vara mig själv fullt ut.  Istället kanske jag kan påverka dessa människor med positiv energi istället för tvärtom;)

''Släpp dagens problem, imorgon kommer nya'' ett talesätt som jag tycker är ganska bra att tänka på, rensa dina tankar dagligen och kom tillbaka till den du är. Du kommer inte kunna förändra världen och alla runt dig men du kan förändra dig själv och kanske påverka din omgivning <3

Hade jag kunnat hade jag låtit alla se genom mina ögon en stund men det kan jag inte! Tror man så tror man, om inte så vet jag fortfarande vem jag är och vad jag tror på. Jag vill inte försöka övertyga någon! Jag har fått mina bevis och dom upprepar sig dagligen. Jag tror på det jag ser och upplever även om det var över min förväntan <3

Nu delar jag mina upplevelser och vad jag lärt mig under tiden, men det betyder inte att det är rätt eller fel. Alla upplever saker olika och jag har spapat min uppfattning genom bekräftelse och vad jag lärt mig. Jag kanske ändrar mig om vissa saker och erkänner mina fel men hur skulle jag annars lära mig lita på mig själv? Det betyder inte att jag ändrar uppfattning, det kanske bara blir mer logiskt eller så känns det mer rätt. Just nu litar jag på dom som utvecklat detta då jag fortfarande har svårt att lita på mig själv ibland.....

Det jag skriver är helt enkelt min resa i utvecklingen och hur jag ser på den som antagligen kommer hinna förändras en hel del genom åren:)

Ljus & Kärlek

Av henna - 20 januari 2013 00:23

Fick ett tredje mail av Norah med en kort förklaring och en länk som ledde till...... :

These Urgent Revelations are
Reserved Exclusively for: Henna


As you know, a time of immense importance - your Transit Period - is about to enter into your life.

It is a time, if navigated properly, of great fortune and is a time when you will have the ability to FINALLY ATTRACT ABUNDANCE where you feel you are struggling most.

It is in this time that is fast approaching for you, that you will be able to shake the "cloud" that has been covering you and BLOCKING YOU FROM GAINING ETERNAL LUCK AND HAPPINESS.

Henna, this Transit Period begins Sunday, February 3.

It will last for a period of 77 days, and following that will be a period of 3 months where you will become at peace with your new-found happiness.

You made an excellent decision asking for help, and at the right time it seems, too.

You see, Transit Periods occur only once, maybe twice, sometimes never per individual. It is a rare combination of things coming together that includes most predominantly the position and surrounding influences of you most influential heavenly body: Venus

The numerology character resulting from
the date you first contacted me is: 4
As promised, I have included below your Free Mini-Reading

The numerology character resulting fromthe date you first contacted me is: 4As promised, I have included below your Free Mini-Reading We will come to that in a minute, but I must tell you that it is the timing of your request that makes it clear you are on the cusp of a personal Transit Period.

It is this driving inner pull which has brought you here.

You see, Henna, there is an incredible potential inside you - a Life Force - waiting to burst. It KNOWS that its time has come to be released, and was almost screaming to help you let it out.

I’m excited to share what this timing means for you, and I will explain that to you shortly as well.

Again, as promised, I have included a brief yet lovely Mini-Reading for you.

Keep in mind that these revelations only apply to your TRUE SELF. The one that is apparent in your birth patterns. If you feel that these revelations may be a bit on the optimistic side, it is because there is something that has been blocking you from reaching this TRUE POTENTIAL - the potential your coming Transit Period will be able to carry you to.

TRUE SELF In other words, Henna, I sense that there has been some fog pursuing you practically since childhood, and that you've had one problem after another, especially as far as money is concerned.

Some clouded influence seems to be at work in your life, creating an abnormal block to the way your TRUE SELF should be living, as described in your Free Mini-Reading.

But what's most important is that something very good and very special is being prepared for you in the coming weeks.

You can expect a very pleasant surprise. Some personal or financial problem you have may disappear, after a remarkable improvement takes place in your life. You will have the opportunity to discover how exactly to bring this about, but for now, let's jump right in to the Free Mini-Reading.

Remember, this reading is the picture of how your life SHOULD look now. It is in connection with your True Self, which is living quietly inside you.

If your current life doesn’t perfectly reflect this at the moment, it is during your upcoming Transit Period that I will show you how to make it so!

Free Mini-Reading for Henna

General Introduction

You need to find the answers to certain questions that concern you personally; questions you've probably been asking yourself for quite some time. You are involved with the people around you, you're interested in your future, and you look for ways to make your daily life easier.

Let's start with the main traits that make up your psychological profile, the particularities of your character that I find completely exceptional when looked at as a whole (taken separately these traits might seem banal, but in your case their combined effect explains much of the meaning of your life): Sense of beauty, love of life, simplicity, intelligence, grounded, ambitious, tenacious, loyal, energetic, warm hearted... and I should also mention Lucky, since luck smiles down on you naturally, and could become totally amazing if you knew how to take advantage of it!

Love - EmotionsLove - Emotions

You’re pleased with the way your current relationship has progressed thus far and you’re looking for ways to strengthen those bonds even more. What’s slowed you down from achieving that goal is the natural routine that you and your partner have fallen into… both of you are busy with the normal demands of day-to-day life and it can sometimes be difficult to find time to devote to “courting” each other like you used to. But don’t worry… the coming months should offer plenty of opportunities to rekindle the passion and rejuvenate your romance. The result is that you’ll enjoy a deeper, stronger relationship than you’ve ever experienced before!

Social LifeSocial Life

You have enough personality and magnetism to do without any superior authority.
Have faith in yourself, in your ideas and your initiatives. Hold your head high and persevere, and you will move forward without problems, even in the most delicate or hazardous of times.


Your golden number is 4, your lucky number par excellence. Use the number 4 as often as you can: for example, when you set up an important meeting, insist on the 4th day of the month, or 4 o'clock in the afternoon; when you take a train, get in the 4th car. Use it whenever you play a game of chance, etc.

If you have premonitory dreams - and you should! - 6 is your most auspicious number. It's also lucky for dates of travel and in financial speculation.

And 11, your number for happiness, can also be used to combat unlucky events. It will make itself apparent how if you care to listen! Use a combination of these three numbers as often as you can. Luck will do many things for you, and your intuition will do the rest.

Some Final Advice

We are in the midst of a period of Great Change Henna, and the opportunities are too good for us to let them go by, without lifting a finger. Your future looks fabulous in all areas of your life: money, emotions and various other activities. And you have the great privilege today of being at the forefront of those who are going to benefit from this new harvest.

The Decision is Yours!

The Decision is Yours! It is clear that you have a huge potential, which you received at birth (a potential for unexpected luck with financial abundance) which is in total opposition to the difficult life you are leading, and the bad luck which is unjustly affecting you at the moment.

You should never have had to deal with the difficulties and serious problems (especially those concerning financial abundance) that seem to be ceaselessly plaguing you.

Here's why:

Henna, along with the other planets that control your Destiny, have endowed you with tremendous Lucky Power.

This should have turned out to be very positive for you in terms of love, and the realization of what you really hold dear in life. But that has not been the case.

Of course you've had a few happy moments at certain times in your life. But you know that you have generally been lacking in luck in many important areas of your life. Isn't that so?

You have had some periods of luck and happiness on your journey. But YOUR DISCONNECTION FROM YOUR TRUE SELF HAS BEEN PREVENTING YOU FROM TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THAT LUCK. It has passed you by each and every time.

There have also been LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY THAT WERE WITHIN YOUR GRASP on many occasions, but once again an invisible hand seems to have prevented you from enjoying your potential profit.

As things stand now you take each day as it comes, without really knowing what will happen to you tomorrow.

Sometimes, because of a lack of self-confidence, you make decisions that eventually have serious consequences.

You may be thinking that this is all your
fault. Well, that is not the case!

You may be thinking that this is all your fault. Well, that is not the case! Don't say to yourself: "I've never been lucky... I just have too much bad luck... I'll never get out of my present situation!"

Believe me, based on my experience I can confidently say that is not the case at all. On the contrary!

You have a right to happiness. And you should know that there are no unlucky stars in your astral chart. All you have to do is follow THE PATH TO LUCK AND HAPPINESS as indicated by your master planets, which will soon become active and influence your destiny... if you know how to call on them.

It's too bad you hadn’t begun to seek change sooner, Henna. You could be living with all the fortunate events that have passed you by or were interfered with by the disconnection with Universe and your True Self.

But I'm here to tell you Henna, that it
isn't too late!

You see, the TRANSIT PERIOD THAT IS FAST APPROACHING YOUR EXISTENCE is a very rare period when the influential bodies that make up your Astral Chart align with one another in such a way that it puts your life on "steroids".

Have you ever noticed how people never seem to have a consistent amount of "luck"?

They either talk about how "things haven't been going my way lately"... or ... "I feel like I'm on a lucky streak!"

Well Henna, that is because each person's influential bodies are in CONSTANT MOTION, moving in and out of sync with each other. There are so many factors come into play that you can compare it to being put into a maze every couple months.

Everyone goes through their "astral maze" without knowing which direction to take at each turn. Some times they "get lucky" and get quite far in their maze, and other times they work themselves into a corner right away, and they go through a period of bad luck until a "new maze" (a new phase of astral alignments) begins.

Then, once in a very rare while, ONE WILL ENTER INTO A MAZE UNLIKE ANY OTHER. As I said, some people are never presented with this opportunity, but most people will enter into one once, maybe twice in their lifetime.

This maze is called their Transit Period. No matter which path they take at random during this time will result in bad luck. In fact, this is a time when most people find their true love, get that big promotion, find that dream job or SUDDENLY COME IN TO A LARGE SUM OF MONEY that puts them back on their feet - no matter how "far" they get or where they end up in the maze.

Making it to the end of the maze is very rare and difficult to do, but just by sheer odds there are those few handful of people who do reach the end, and suddenly find themselves LIVING THE LIFE THEY'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF... they've realized their Ultimate Destiny.

Remember Susan Boyle? She was briefly deprived of oxygen at birth, leaving her with learning disabilities. She was bullied in school - the kids called her "Susie Simple'.

When her mother passed in 1997, neighbors said that she stayed in the house, not answering the phone or knocks for 3 to 4 days. Up until her sudden fame in 2009, Susan described her life in West Lothian, Scotland as "mundane" and "routine".

But then, Henna, she finally entered into her life's Transit Period. She didn't just find true love or get a raise.... she, by sheer stroke of luck, made it to the end. She solved the maze by chance... and received INTERNATIONAL STARDOM. She found her Ultimate Destiny, and has been living it ever since

Henna...if you ask me to, I can put together your Transit Period Guide to Luck and Happiness. In other words, because your Transit Period is nearly upon us, I can make available to you a Guide crafted specifically to allow you to "see" the path you must take when it comes time to enter your Transit Period - your Maze of Destiny.


The fact that you came to me just before the beginning of your life's Transit Period might have been coincidence... but I know that powers of a HIGHER ASTRAL PLANE have come into play...

YOU HAVE VERY STRONG INTUITION, YOU'RE SENSITIVE, AND YOU ARE VERY GENEROUS, BUT sometimes other people don't see that there are things bothering you that you choose not to show.


Firstly, it's important for you to know that to help you it is not absolutely necessary for us to meet personally.

I have already helped hundreds of people who, like you, had serious problems with luck or love or money, and each and every time their most urgent problem disappeared, without my having to meet them face to face.

Because of what I know about the timing of your coming to me (I always trust my intuition) I know that YOU ARE VERY SOON GOING TO ENTER ONE OF THE MOST WONDERFUL PERIODS OF YOUR LIFE.

THIS EXCEPTIONAL PERIOD SHOULD BEGIN ON Sunday, February 3. I don't want to be more specific, because it could happen a few days before or a few days after.

It should last until which means 11 full weeks of great good luck, followed by 3 very positive months in your personal life.

During that entire time your Transit Period Guide will be there, to point out all the opportunities for Luck and Happiness that you should take advantage of.

I will show you WHAT TO DO TO AVOID PROBLEMS that could arise for you (and how to turn them in your favor).

You must not ignore THIS PERIOD WHICH COULD TRANSFORM YOUR ENTIRE DESTINY. All you have to do to benefit 100% from the opportunities that arise at the start of this lucky period is act when it tells you to.

If you follow the advice contained inside, your situation should improve very rapidly after that.

As for the problem that you are most concerned with, I see A HAPPY SOLUTION IN YOUR IMMEDIATE FUTURE (much sooner than you may think).

BUT YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL. There is an obstacle you have to avoid. You have to be very discreet about this. The part of you which WANTS you to keep “living small” will speak up, and tell you to ignore positive change.

DO NOT LISTEN TO IT – your Transit Period Guide will open your eyes to new and exciting things that you must not pass by.

It will also tell you what decisions you have to make (during the lucky periods that are coming your way) to ensure that your destiny advances firmly towards the realization of your imminent happiness.

Believe me, it's absolutely essential for you to know what important events will happen for you in the coming months.

You absolutely must take advantage of the fantastic opportunities for luck and happiness that will come your way in the 11 weeks of your Transit Period. Especially since they will be followed by another very positive 3 months for your personal life.

Here's what I am offering to do for you:

The moment I receive your urgent request I will be notified and within two days send you your TRANSIT PERIOD GUIDE TO LUCK AND HAPPINESS so that the next 11 weeks become the most important in your life.

What you discover in this detailed guide has nothing in common with anything you may have been told up to now about you and your future.

You will receive a document that is more complete and more detailed than anything any other psychic may have done for you before.

All I can say is that even though you may have unsolved personal problems right at this moment, your immediate future shows that will probably no longer be a problem for you.

READING you will discover

Exactly how to approach your lucky periods during the next 11 weeks (these are the "turns" you must take in order to find MONEY, LOVE AND LUCK).


Tidigare månad - Senare månad

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Mitt liv förändrades, jag vaknade upp och insåg att jag aldrig varit ensam och kommer aldrig mer att vara ensam.... Ingen dag är längre den andre lik

Fråga mig

1 besvarad fråga

Min personliga utveckling

  Följ min resa, så här upplever jag det. Svett & tårar, inga genvägar, rädslor som leder till det jag fann, GÅVAN, ljuset och kärleken! Helt underbart, att kunna sprida detta budskap, Livet Efter Det Vi Kallar Döden.


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